Submit a guest post for consideration and get exposure to thousands of minimalism readers

We appreciate your interest in being a contributor. We would be thrilled to share your thoughts with our highly engaged audience.

If your topic fits with our brand, we would love for you to write for us on a free guest post. 

All articles are subject to editing including headlines, content and links. The following guidelines may help increase the likelihood of your article being accepted for publication on our website. 

Please browse our articles to understand our writing style. We prefer long-form articles of 1000-1500 words focused on Self-Help, Self-Care, Simple Living, Minimalist Style, Productivity, Decluttering and Minimalist Design. 

Articles should provide a solution to a known complexity or method of streamlining and simplifying and include clear and actionable tips. We do not pay for contributed articles, but will heavily promote them.

To submit an article, please complete the form below. If your article is chosen to be published we will contact you within a week.

  • Please list the Linkedin profile, website or social channel you would like us to link to in order to credit your work.
  • Please note the topic(s) you want to submit your article(s) to (check all that apply).
  • Please list the title(s) of the articles you are submitting for consideration.
  • Please provide a link to a Dropbox or Google Document where we can access your articles. Be sure to grant us the ability to download the document by adding to the share field.

  • We only accept original, high-quality pieces that are 750 words or longer and have not been published elsewhere. We will reach out to you if we decide to publish your article. Due to the volume of inquiries we receive we will not be able to provide feedback on why we did not accept a submitted article. We reserve the right to make edits to your article as needed to be sure it is suitable for our readership. However, you will be credited as the author with a link back to your preferred website or profile. Though most articles we publish are promoted we make no claims as to the popularity of your article and the amount of traffic or exposure it will receive.
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